Heather B. MacLeod, MA, PhD, CPAT, RPC
Heather MacLeod is a Clinical Art Therapist with advanced certification in trauma-informed expressive arts therapy. She is skilled in online counselling as well as face-to-face therapy. Heather is a member in good standing of the Canadian Addiction Counsellor Certification Federation, the Canadian Art Therapy Association and is also a Registered Professional Counsellor with the Canadian Professional Counsellors Association. She completed her doctoral program through the Department of Education, University of Regina. Her research was focused on victimology and trauma studies.
Victimology and trauma studies remain largely under-developed at Canadian degree-granting institutions. The disciplinary maturity of victimology is likely to rely on a willingness on the part of professionals within the caregiving professions. responders, mental health professionals, community based organizations, lawyers, social workers and policy makers at the government level, to work collaboratively and discriminately on program development so that the pressing needs for education and services are met. The inclusion of victims, advocates and experiential workers as participants was a priority of the study – Victimology and Trauma Studies – Bridging Perspectives in a Landscape of Practice (MacLeod, University of Regina, 2019).
Heather is the Founder and Director of Education with CTAAT – The Centre for Therapeutic Arts and Addictions Training. She also taught as an instructor with the Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy and the University of Regina.